Hi Lowell! With letters and care packages, we express with open hearts our utmost sincerity to youth patients. We are the True Hearts Club. Meeting every other Thursday, students can join to participate in making letters and decorating, making care packages, and even record podcasts. At times, other activities will be present, such as, movie days, snack salads, and more so we can get to know one another! This is a low maintenance club, however it provides a space for everyone to join and makes someone’s day a little brighter! Meetings are in room 137, at 3:50. We’re all so excited and hope to see you there
Meetings: We meet every Thursday at Room 137 and 3:50
President: Sally Nguyen 2710
Vice President: Victoria Chen 2709
Other Officers: Secretary Ashly Ornelas Treasurer Nguyen (Moon) Truong Events Coordinator Leanna K. Nguyen Historian Katrina Choi Graphics Phoebe Chiu Communications Officer Violet Wong